Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Morning Edition

So there I am, driving down 131-N on my way to work at 6:00 this morning, when this really impatient Joe Blow in a large white 4x4 starts bearing down on me.

He's riding inches from my bumper, flashing his brights at me like crazy ... and we're on the S-Curve! I've got a solid white line that I'm not supposed to cross, there's traffic in the other lanes, we're doing 60 MPH around the big S, and this guy is upset that I won't change lanes!

After a good 2 minutes of really riding my bumper hard and flashing his lights and generally getting on my nerves, the S-Curve finally straightened out - except now, my exit is 50 ft. in front of me off the left-hand lane, the lane this 4x4 really wants bad.

Forget it. I'm not going to try and change lanes (remember, there is other traffic on the road), let this guy pass, then try to get back into my lane in time for the exit - Joe Blow here can wait for another 50 ft.

Except, he can't. He can't wait. So he pulls around me, gives me one extremely serious bird-flipping, and then cuts me off.

So I made someone's day today, apparently. Apparently he had to get where he was going so fast that it was worth cussing someone out and putting other commuters in danger.

He had no sooner jerked back into my lane (this time, in front of me) than I signaled and got off on my exit - I hope he felt great.

The true irony ... I was praying my morning Rosary as all of this was taking place. The Sorrowful Mysteries no less.

I gotta tell you, it certainly made more poignant the words, "and forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who tresspass against us." I had to actually mean it.

So that's it. It's Tuesday morning, bright and early, and sanctity is still a long way off.

Fr. McMahon has his appearance in court today to square off against TIBETMichigan. We're collecting 8:30 a.m. Rosaries ... let's see if we can make Lepanto happen again.

Until later.