Friday, August 06, 2004

Thou Shalt Not Speak Hate

Swedish Pastor Sentenced to Month in Prison for Preaching Against Homosexuality

STOCKHOLM, July 5, 2004 ( - Ake Green, the pastor of a Swedish Pentecostal church in Kalmar, Sweden, has been sentenced to one month in prison by a Swedish court, for inciting hatred against homosexuals. Green was prosecuted in January for "hate speech against homosexuals" for a sermon he preached last summer citing Biblical references to homosexuality.

Sweden passed an equivalent to Canada's Bill C-250 last year -- a "hate crimes" law that forbids criticism of homosexuality. In a WorldNetDaily article, the author quotes from the church newspaper Kyrkans Tidning, in which the prosecutor in the case, Kjell Yngvesson, justifies the arrest of pastor Green: "One may have whatever religion one wishes, but this is an attack on all fronts against homosexuals. Collecting Bible cites on this topic as he (Pastor Green) does makes this hate speech."

Read the related report:
Catholic League Notes Results of Homosexual Hate Crime Law in Other Countries as Warning to Canada

Read the WorldNetDaily article:
When you hear of 'civil unions,' recall Czechoslovakia, Sweden


Yeah, but that's Sweden, right? That'll never happen here, in good ole Religiously Liberated America, right?

Look north. That's Canada. In case you didn't know, they're doing the same thing there - a friend of mine actually got stopped at the border, and, because he was going to speak at a Catholic seminar (and told the border guard as much), they detained him and searched his vehicle for "hate literature."

That's just up there, a few hours north. Right on our borders.

Tomorrow, it will be here.