Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Help Your Son Commit Sin

A survey by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, found that there was a significant decline in the number of teen boys who are having sex -- from 55 percent in 1995 to 46 percent in 2002.

However, more and more teen boys and girls are engaging in oral sex, either because they think they can't get pregnant, AIDS, or both. While pregnancy may not be a concern, your son needs to know that oral sex also carries a high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. So though he may not be doing "it," he is doing something, and talking to your son about using a condom, and maybe even giving him condoms, is probably a smart move. (Doug Donaldson, "10 Things Your Teen Son Won't Tell You...but He Did Tell Me", MSN 4/5/2005, source

Here you go, son, here's a condom for you to use the next time you engage in oral sex. That should protect you from the disease factor.

Now ... if only I had a "condom" that could protect you from the sin factor ...

Hey Mr. Donaldson, here's an idea: try telling your teenage son that pornography, fornication, oral sex, self-abuse, etc. all cut off the life of grace in his soul, and offend Jesus greatly. Try telling him what Our Lord revealed in a private apparition to one of His saints, that the scourging at the pillar which He received was primarily to atone for sins of the flesh - such as pornography, fornication, etc.

Try telling your teenage son that real men have mastery over their fleshly desires, and aren't wimps who are bound to obey every beck and call of their carnal impulses. Try passing on the time-tested devotional exercises that will strengthen him against lust, so that he can save his soul.

Then maybe, just maybe, the next time a girl offers to do him a "favor," he won't say "hang on, let me get the condom my dad gave me," he'll say "that would be an offense against Almighty God, and you really should think more highly of yourself than that anyway."

Better yet, he won't be hanging around those kinds of girls to begin with.

1905: Fathers teach their kids to avoid even the near occasion of sin

2005: Fathers surrender to the assumption that their kids will sin, and begin teaching them how to do so without having to incur any physical consequences

Congratulations, Modern Man, you've arrived.