Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Great Big Backwards World

So I come into work this week (Dec. 27-31), and guess what everyone is talking about?

That's right - everyone is talking about how they can't wait to get rid of their Christmas trees, or, how they've already purged their house of Christmas decorations.

This is a brief reminder to those who are still interested in remaining sane:

1) Christmas began on Dec. 25th, it didn't end then
2) Christmas did not begin the day after Thanksgiving - that would be Advent
3) Christmas more-or-less concludes with the Feast of the Epiphany, which is January 6 - a full twelve days after Christmas

Of course, the secular world - in true Luciferian form - inverts this completely and does it backwards. It starts celebrated Christmas 30 days before Christmas, instead of going through the due preparation and mortifications of Advent. Then it shuts down Christmas as soon after the 25th as it can, and begins the Advent-like purifications of the New Year's resolutions (usually having to do with dieting).

[The sad symbolism here is that Advent is an image and foreshadowing of our preparation for Jesus' Second Coming; the secular world is doing now exactly what they'll be doing at the Second Coming - scrambling. Once He comes, however, it will be too late for repentence and resolutions]

I mentioned this to someone recently, and their response was amusing: "Well, I'm not a Catholic, so I don't follow their liturgical calendar."

Too much.

Of course, the reality is that the Church fixes or has already fixed the date of all the major religious feasts: Easter and Christmas being the most prominent among them. And, believe it or not, the secular world does follow the Catholic liturgical calendar on those days.

So anyway, keep the decorations up and keep the celebration of Christmas alive at least until Jan. 6. If you need help, email me and I'll send you the daily liturgy that my family is using every night.

(oh, and today is the Third Day of Christmas - three French hens and all that)