Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Trinitarian Soul-Stamp

I'm still working through this idea, and that's why I'm writing about it ... writing something out makes me think through it more clearly, and cements it better in my mind.

These are some thoughts passed on to me by my friend Jon - I'll try to reproduce them in a way that makes sense, so that it makes better sense to me.

How do we formulate a judgment? That is, how do we choose one thing over another?

There is an "order of being" that comes into play here.

1) Existence (the "thing" proposed to us)
2) Intellect (the application of Reason to the "thing")
3) Will (the actual choice, based on the discovery of the Intellect)

This is the proper order of things.

Something is proposed to us; say, a glass of water. In the right and proper order, we would apply our Logic and Reason to this glass of water and think through our choice to either drink or not drink. After the Intellect had sifted the necessary data - in the proper order of things - our Will would then choose according to what our Intellect had revealed.

In this case, we have a glass of water; our Intellect reasons that this glass of water is healthy, that we are thirsty, that this water would benefit us; and then our Will submits to the Intellect, and we reach out to grab the glass and take a drink.

Existence; Intellect; Will.

That is the Trinitarian stamp upon us.

These three things actually correspond to the three persons of the Trinity, if you think about it.

Existence = God the Father, who is Existence itself; He says "I AM WHO AM."

Intellect = Jesus Christ, who is the Divine Logos, that is, the "logic," the Divine "reason."

Will = The Holy Ghost, who prompts and assists the Will to make proper choices

Thus, when we make our choices in this order: E, I, W - we reflect the Holy Trinity and live in conformity with the Truth.

As my friend pointed out, a whole series of choices, according to this pattern, would look like this:


Now, Satan is ever-determined to smudge, smear, and vandalize the image of the Trinity - wherever he finds it.

We image the Trinity in our married lives, when we give our love to our spouses in such a way that a "third person" proceeds from us as a result - Satan mars this image by introducing contraception, thus damaging the Trinitarian reflection.

The Trinity is imaged in the Holy Mass, in many ways - I will point out one: the Kyrie consists of nine invocations, three Kyries to the Father, three Christes to the Son, and three Kyries to the Spirit. It's a perfect cube of threes - perfectly Trinitarian. In the New Mass, this image has been defaced, since the Kyrie is now 2, 2, and 2, instead of 3, 3, and 3. Instead of nine invocations, we now have six - the significance of which I hardly need to explain.

So how does Satan destroy the Trinity's image in this matter of choosing and making judgments? By inverting the right order.

Consider again the proper order:


What would the reverse of that be? Since we must always start with Existence, the inverted order would be:


That is, the thing Exists first, then we choose it by our Will - and only then do we apply the Intellect, not to arrive at a sound judgment, but to rationalize our already-determined Will.

This is the order of choosing in the Luciferian mode: choose what you will, when you will, and rationalize as necessary.

This is, indeed, how most people make their choices today. They determine something first, then make excuses or invent reasons for doing so. They decide beforehand what is Truth, and then use their Intellect to find ways of side-stepping what is really true.

So remember the proper order: Existence, Intellect, Will.

Anything less than this is a Satanic inversion.