Monday, October 25, 2004

"Someone Tell Me What I'm Missing"

Once again, Fr. Smith does a bang-up job of bringing some much-needed clarification to the fog of confusion surrounding the election.

At least, I think it's clarification. I realize that few agree with me. So be it. Vote how you will - and I will definitely do the same. But this may explain a little better why I will vote the way I will: for neither Bonesman #1 or Bonesman #2.


Someone Tell Me What I'm Missing

Is anyone suggesting with a straight face that Senator Kerry is a worse man than President Clinton? Will it be any harder to swallow our government’s tyranny under a President Kerry than what we had to endure under President Clinton? What will be so intolerable about a Kerry presidency that we did not survive with the Impeached One in the Oval Office?

What is better about the respect for life in this nation today under President Bush versus what was given us by President Clinton? Partial-birth abortion was indeed banned by Bush, but then overturned by the courts. Federal courts are filled with judges who are notorious for their penchant for judicial legislation. These judges are confirmed by the Senate, which is overwhelmingly "moderate" in its toleration of child murder, which is to say that there are absolutely no qualms among senators about confirming to the federal bench judges who are in favor of killing babies under cover of law. President Bush has shown a willingness to campaign for pro-abortion senators at the expense of pro-life candidates in his own party. The judicial process will not be friendly to the pro-life movement until the Senate is pro-life. The Senate is a long way from being pro-life when the "pro-life" President seeks to defeat candidates for that body who campaign to end abortion.

If the goal is to bring an absolute end to abortion, how is that goal brought nearer by reelecting a man who clearly favors abortion through the use of "the pill", when the mother’s life is purportedly threatened, and in cases of rape or incest? President Bush has done absolutely nothing to ban RU-486. He has made it plain that Roe vs. Wade will be the law of the land under a second administration. How is the pro-life cause advanced under these circumstances?

And what is the plan to undo Roe? Will it come through legislation, through judicial fiat, through the amendment process? We have a man as President who claims to be pro-life, but he has done nothing whatsoever to establish the sanctity of human life as an essential part of American jurisprudence at the Constitutional level, which is the only meaningful level at which the government can effectively protect all life. Roe vs. Wade is a matter of Constitutional precedent. The only way to remedy its ill is to address the Constitution. When is a "pro-life" President or presidential candidate going to be held accountable by the pro-life movement to vigorously seek a constitutional resolution to this moral crisis?

Speaking of the Constitution, so long as we subject ourselves to a system of government in which the selfish, psychotic, and satanic whims of the populace can be enshrined as the highest law, we live in peril of the sins which cry to Heaven for vengeance being the basis of our culture. The problem is not merely the Godless candidates that we are being coerced into setting over us. The deeper problem is the Godless Constitution which they will swear ("So help me God"!) to enforce and uphold. Does no one understand that what men did once in 1973, even if undone in 2005, can be done again whenever the men ruling change their minds, their appetites, or their socks for that matter? The only defense for our rights and our lives - temporal and eternal - is to govern the nation according to the will of God, acknowledging the role of the Catholic Church as the guardian of the moral life, and seeking the good of all citizens through bringing them into Communion with the Bride of Christ.

Why does anyone think that our national plunge into the cesspool is going to be reversed while the men in charge continue to follow the blueprint spelled out in the document that began the plunge in the first place? Ladies and gentlemen, "Constitutional democracy" is what got us into this mess. How, pray tell, will the mess be cleaned up by having one man or another using the same Godless Constitution, heeding the voice of the same Godless people, encouraging the same Godless way of life?